The Buz

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Two-thirds of the Buzbee Speed Walking Team. (note the coordinated uniforms)

Onward. I have places to go and people to see me!!

Making sure the chocolate fountain at Drew Russell's birthday is worthy of consumption.

Who knows what they are really thinking.......

Scenario #1:
DREW: Give me all of your money, sucker!
OWEN: I don't want any trouble, man. Take it all. Just don't hurt me!

Scenario #2:
DREW: Owen, I really appreciate you coming to my party.
OWEN: No problem. Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Scenario #3:
DREW: I don't feel so hot.
OWEN: I think you drank from the wrong "bottle".

Chillin' in my rocker with my homie, Scotch.

Everyone has their quirks. It just so happens that I have to be able to play in the water with my feet while I brush my teeth.

People are always texting me. Whatever happened to doing business the good ole ' fashion way of face to face?

Hey, what's up. Give me a 1000 more shares of Enron please........

I am NOT a mommy's boy!!! I resemble that remark.

Owen and Daddy G reading to each other while Mom and Dad slip out for a Valentine's Day Dinner.

Viewing the ONLY episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse we like to watch. Thank you DVR!